February 13, 2025

Why do businesses today prefer to hold their recruitment procedure online?

With the Covid-19 pandemic, businesses no matter big or small were forced to move their entire operations to an online medium. This was not at all an easy phase for the businesses. But like any other difficult situation, even this pandemic motivated us to curate and use online tools even more. Other than operations, hiring was another and one of the most challenging parts for which we needed effective solutions, and this is when we saw the rise of online assessment platforms. These online platforms are modern, smart, simplified, and autonomous tools to hold the end-to-end hiring process in online mode.

Today in this article we are going to look at the reasons why we need these online test portals, and how they are shaping the new workspaces. So without any further delay let us dive straight into the article and find out the answers to the questions curated above, and also help you to find the best software solution available in the market for your business.

How can a modern proctoring software solution aid your hiring process?

No matter what is the scale of your business, an online proctoring tool has become the new normal in the industry. Almost all companies are moving their hiring processes to the online medium and are using one or the other online proctoring solution available in the market. If you are a small-scale company or a startup you can opt for these paid proctoring services, sit back and relax while most of the preliminary rounds are conducted in auto-pilot mode by these online proctoring platforms. If you are a large or mid-scale company and look forward to interviewing thousands of candidates simultaneously for the preliminary rounds, you can still opt for these paid services and let the software filter out the best set of candidates for you so that you can move to the next rounds. In this section, we are going to explain more such reasons why you must think about taking up these paid online proctoring services next time you or your company is looking to hire candidates for various openings.

  • Go global by recruiting remotely available employees

Remote workspaces have become the new normal. Now candidates across the globe are being hired by businesses to work for them without worrying about their reallocation costs, or visa issues. So next time if you want to interview candidates with true talents, you don’t actually need to worry about their locations to invite them for interviews. You can use these remote proctoring solutions to hold interviews for them and save the traveling time and cost.

  • Assess candidates faster than ever before

While opening doors for the huge crowd of candidates to participate in the drive companies also had to deal with correctly evaluating their assessments. With these modern and smart online proctoring tools it is easier and faster than ever before to assess the results of the candidate’s exams. Within a matter of seconds, you can get a detailed analysis of their performance so that you can make informed decisions about your next steps of whether to take them with the next steps of hiring or not. These online proctoring solutions also help you to keep tracking the audio signals, video signals, and screen signals of the candidate through which you can monitor and detect the use of any unfair means easily and take action against the candidate. You can further send results and the next-step details to the candidate through their shared email ids using these same platforms, and in fact, you can automate this whole process, sit back, and relax!

  • Dashboard and prepare the insights in a blink

These modern proctoring platforms are well known for their abilities to dashboard the analysis of the whole recruitment drive, and that of every individual candidate using some amazing dashboarding tools like PowerBI, etc. through multiple intuitive charts and graphs depicting the effectiveness of the questions asked, how many students attempted the questions, how many of them gave the correct answer for it, and many other details. In the manual process of interviews, the hiring team was burdened to prepare these reports for the next hiring so that the question sets could be improvised, resulting in distributed energy and focus on assessing the candidates.

  • Scale your hiring without worrying about the downtime

Downtimes are no more a problem to worry about. Today online proctoring platforms like Mercer Mettl guarantee zero downtime for their exam sessions. This is one of the many key features which you have to be sure of so that the hiring process becomes a good experience for the candidate and recruiter as well. Ensuring this feature of the online proctoring platform also opens the window for you to invite a large number of candidates simultaneously to take up the assessment so that you get a wide range of talents to filter the best ones for you.

  • Much cheaper than the traditional recruitment process

The traditional recruitment procedure required the hiring and management team to be sent to the colleges (in case of fresher hiring), or aid the traveling cost of the candidates for senior-level hiring which was a costly affair than paying for these smart proctoring solutions. You can actually choose from multiple packages available on Mercer Mettl to match the exact needs of your firms while hiring. Further, you can also customize the questions, the rounds, and the assessment pattern as per the need of your firm.


Mercer | Mettl is one of the leading software solutions in talent assessment. It provides the best-in-class proctoring environment to recruiters and has earned the reputations of multiple big corporations like Barclays, Pepsico, Airtel, and Accenture. You can conduct Coding Assessments, Psychometric Assessments, Behavioral Assessments, etc. on their platform with 360-degree feedback enabled. You can design and integrate your hiring workflows in their portal to automate the parts of the hiring procedure without any hassle. So next time you need to hire you can sit back and literally relax while Mercer | Mettl takes care of the cumbersome and repetitive task of assessing all the candidates with the same questions.

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